OOH Studies & Insights
Broad Information and Insights about Out of Home media.
Out-of-Home has impact!
- High Range - everybody can be reached
- High Acceptance - Out of home is perceived as subtle advertisement
- Accurate planning of the route
- Network Effect - everybody talks about it!
- Creates brand images and by that evokes target group impact
Mobility in Germany
75% of people in DACH are OOH
In a study conducted by the FAW with PosterSelect about 80 % of the respondents state that they leave their home at least once per day. While they do so they perceive various forms of Out-of -Home advertising and can be convinced by it. About 50 % claim that they at least once have been persuaded to buy a product by a poster, vehicle marketing or digital screens.
40% of that are traveling by car
The preference of mobility in the German population has been investigated in a study by the Verband der Automobilindustrie. The vehicle by choice is in every category the car.
In rural areas is the car more important for daily life than it is in big cities. A lot of people appreciate the flexibility, speed, time saving and independence while using their own car.
In total 76% claim that their car is indispensable in their private daily life. Right after the car is he bicycle with 49 % and the public transport with 42 %. The bicycle and the public transportation have differing preferences in rural and urban areas.
That mobility gets carbon dioxide neutral is important towards 29 % of the respondents. Because the car has a crucial role in the mobility in Germany there has to be persuasion and clearing of prejudices in regard of electric cars.
A big part of mobility is commuting. Out of 33 million employees there are 13 million that drive to their work into another city. Most of the people have a way between 10 and 25 km. The number of commuters is especially high in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. 68,4 % of the commuters use their car for their way to work.
The daily life of the German population is Out- Of-Home! Advertisement is especially efficient where a lot of people can see it! Due to that you are able to generate a high range with posters, vehicle advertisement, Digital Out of home and other out-of-home advertisement!
Quality instead of Quantity
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyse e. V. depicts in the graphic the national range of large advertising spaces. It is depicted in dependency from the quantity and the size of the city. Cities above 20000 inhabitants reach with a full occupancy of advertisement spaces a range of 86,1 %. In cities above 500.000 inhabitants, you can reach with a full occupancy of advertisement spaces just 27,1 %. In cities with a higher number in inhabitants is the range of advertisement spaces lower.
In the graphic stands out that in no matter which number of population a city has, if you try a full occupancy of advertisement spaces, it just leads to a small staggering in range. The more inhabitants a city has, the lower are these increases. The use of more advertisement spaces in your campaign leads you to higher campaign costs. If you have higher costs and it just leads to low increase in range, you should think about other advertisement opportunities.
Out of Home advertisement is diverse and offers a lot opportunities like Ambient Media, DOOH and vehicle advertisement. These opportunities convince you with individual qualities and don’t want to use just quantity. Truck advertisement convinces by mobility and its saliency due to the large advertisement space it offers. The views that the campaign gets is not controlled by the number of trucks, but with the time term you want them to support your campaign. The salient trucks reach every city size and are obvious in everyday traffic.
Perception of OOH while driving
The MediaCom Agentur für Media-Beratung GmbH conducted a study to investigate the psychological state of mind while driving.
Car driving is famous in the German publication. A lot of car drivers have a strong bond to their own car. Inside of the car they feel safe, relaxed and soul and thoughts can wander. According to the study, people get into a daydream state of mind or Flow.
A car ride can be divided into phases of tension and phases of relaxation. When you enter or when you leave the car you are tensed. While driving you are in a Flow. In this phase car drivers are especially interested in other moving objects. Due to that busses, trams, and trucks stand out to them. When you interrupt the own movement, you can stay psychologically in movement when you watch other moving objects. So, you can keep the Flow.
While you are in the Flow, you can philosophize, collect ideas, get inspired or just be in the moment and enjoy it. You are open and happy to get new stimulus of the environment. A perfect moment to present new products and brands.
Creative marketing messages
Either Call to Action-, Image-, Attention – or Customer Bonding Campaigns. Nowadays consumers are flooded with information.
That’s why you should communicate in a concise and creative way!
![Mit OOH durch die Krise](https://www.ontruck.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Mit-OOH-durch-die-Krise.jpg)
![Das stetige Wachstum der OOH-Branche](https://www.ontruck.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Das-stetige-Wachstum-der-OOH-Branche.jpg)
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